- Automation 11
- Community 5
- Ux 3
- Marketing 1
- Development 1
- Manual testing 1
- Events 2
- Collaboration 1
- Retro 6
- Testing 10
- Accessibility 5
- Continous learning 1
- Ai 2
- Remote working 1
- Devtools 1
So far I've written 51 posts, but a lot more to come!
- End-to-end testing a Chrome extension using Puppeteer
- Exploring Heardle - achieving a perfect score
- Automating Heardle - The art of keeping things simple
- Automating visual checking of alt tags, labels, broken links and duplicate ids
- Automate DB (Database) testing with Pester and dbatools
- WeAreDevelopers - Automating visual regression testing Q&A from Sli.do
- Qa- selectors, what are they and why should you care?
- Automating visual regression testing
- What do testers need to know these days?
- Browser automation using Protractor on non AngularJs pages
- Browser automation using Selenium WebDriver and C#
- Talking the world with 80 testers
- Around the world with 80 software testers
- Becoming a CodeClub volunteer
- Creating a new Agile Development & Software Craftsmanship conference - SwanseaCon 2015
- Creating a new meetup - Swansea Software Development Community
- Easily create your own Stencils for prototyping using Pencil and Rich Text
- Custom Stencils for prototyping a modern looking Mobile App within Pencil
- Custom GOV.UK Stencils for prototyping a Government Digital Service using Pencil
Manual testing
- A look back at 2021
- A look back at 2020
- Presenting a conference talk remotely
- A look back at 2019
- A look back at 2018
- A look back at 2017
- Exploring Heardle - Listening to missed or upcoming days
- Testing APIs with Postman and OWASP ZAP proxy
- Helpful distractions
- Chrome DevTools: Identifying elements which are not displayed as expected
- Chrome DevTools: Required field validation
- Visual testing - digging deeper
- Postman generating random POST data
- DevTools: Testers playground
- Thinking outside the testing box
- An introduction to Postman API testing
- Generating HTML reports from Axe .JSON output
- Automating testing for accessibility
- Chrome DevTools: Identifying form inputs with no labels
- Chrome DevTools: No Styles
- Automating page tabability (is that a word?) with visual testing